
Creating the Ear

Now you will create the Ear. This should go pretty fast because you will just create a Vector Projection Curve and a U Loft surface from a some curves that I will give you.

But...You need to start with a file with a head built already so use the file you saved from the last lesson Creating the Eye Lid Part2 StudentID#_BetterEyeFinal.max.

Open your file and lets merge my curves into it

  1. Once your file is open go to the Main menu and chose File-->Merge. Locate 00_morris tut_gucco_newEar_Curves.max and click open.

  2. In the dialog chose Morris Ear Curves.

  3. Select Use Scene Material if asked.

  4. Select the your head nurbs object. In the modifier panel (Top level), under the General rollout click the Attach button and then click on the Morris Ear Curves nurbs object. Now everything is one nurbs object

Now we need to create the Vector Project Curve on surface. The curve CV curve_VP (which is one of the curves you just attached) is positioned inside the head on the Z, Y plane will be projected on the X plane to form a curve on the surface of the U Loft Surface.

  1. On the General rollout, turn on NURBS Creation Toolbox to display the toolbox.

  2. In the Right viewport zoom into the ear curves.

  3. Make sure the Right viewport is active. In the toolbox, click Create Vector Project Curve and hit the H key.

  4. Pick the curve CV Curve_VP from the list and click Select

  5. Move the cursor in the Right viewport over the U Loft Surface of the head, it will turn a bright blue, click to select it.

  6. click the Create Vector Project Curve button to turn it off.

  7. Now there is a Vector Projection Curve On Surface

Next we build the U Loft Surface.

  1. On the General rollout, turn on NURBS Creation Toolbox to display the toolbox.

  2. In the toolbox, click Create U Loft Surface.

  3. Start with the tiny curve that is almost a dot at the outside of the ear and click each ear curve in order to make the Vector Projection Curve On Surface the final curve.

  4. Right click to end

  5. Toggle on Flip normal and Auto align curve starts.

  6. I click Create U Loft Surface button to turn it off. That's it.

The Finished Ear

  1. Save your work as StudentID#_BetterEAR.max




Creating the Nose